Livestock Production & Animal Health
Livestock Production & Animal Health
To strengthen livestock management as a livelihood means for increasing productivity,” the focus is on enhancing the skills and practices related to livestock care, breeding, nutrition, and health. By providing training, resources, and support to farmers and communities, the aim is to improve the overall management of livestock, leading to increase production efficiency, higher quality products, and ultimately greater economic benefits for those involved in livestock farming. This objective also includes promoting sustainable practices that ensure the well-being of the animals, maximize productivity, and contribute to the livelihoods of individuals and community’s dependent on livestock as a source of income.
Empower and support goat-producing households to have more sustainable livelihoods through cashmere harvesting as untapped source of income through three-pronged approaches that include:
Enabling Environment.
Livestock Management.
Collective Action Organization (CAO) aimed at Organize goat producers in collective action.

Livestock Key Activities
Training 7000 farmers / herders including 30% of women in :
Animal Welfare Training to Herders.
Animal Health Training to Herders.
Basic on Breeding Training to Herders.
Goat Life-Cycle and Herd Life-Cycle Value Training to Herders.
Harvesting Training to Herders.
Cashmere Trade and Value Training to Herders.
Pasture Management.
Gender Training.
Establishment of Pasture Committees.
Pasture Training to Pasture Committees.
Broadcasting drama and PSA from 40 local FM radio station.
Establishing of livestock production farmer union.
Distribution of livestock feed.
Training on preparing livestock feeding from local materials.
Survey on Breed Profiles for Cashmere and Wool Production in Western Afghanistan to enhance capacities of Afghan exporters and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises associated with export-oriented value chains.